happy easter.

we hope that you have a wonderful easter weekend.

easter is one of our favorites. and here are some fun decorating ideas that we have found around the web.

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for us, easter is a lot more than decorating, searching for eggs, and eating yummy food- it is a wonderful reminder of the grace and love that christ has shown for all of us.

we hope that you have a lovely holiday weekend. xo, mary and adair

christmas decorations part II

decorations at the mcgregor house hold are sparse – for a couple reasons. 1- we’ll be spending our holiday in tennessee 2- our land lord won’t let us have a real tree. bummer! 3- and we have a tiny baby kitten who loves to attack things- including our mini fake tree (** see picture below). and so to avoid any spoiled festive garb, we decided to have a glittery-neon filled-minimalist approach to decorations this year.

have a very neon and glitter filled holidays!

xx- adair

christmas decorations part 1

As soon as Thanksgiving was over, I started putting up Christmas decorations. Most of my decorations are handmade and I got a lot of my ideas from my girl, Martha. All in all, I had a lot of fun decorating for our first Christmas together. How did you decorate this year?